Friday, July 27, 2007

Abby is ready for school! She's signed up not too far from home, at the daycare in front of our apartment. They have a music instructor come in every Thursday and teach them music. Abby will love that! Now all that's left is a job..I'm still looking. I've looked and applied to several places but haven't heard from any of them. I want to start working by August 13th when Abby starts school because I'll be paying for her to go there, so I'm getting anxious because that's only 2 weeks away. Abby has been really sick recently. A stomach bug I guess. A bad one! She is feeling a lot better now, poor thing! Lots of sickness around here. Just recently in our church, several people are dealing with illnesses, even cancer. Please pray for them and also that I'll find a job soon and that Abby will adjust well to her new schedule!