Thursday, July 3, 2008

Maybe one day...

....I will have this puppy. Isn't it the cutest thing you've ever seen?! I picture it with pink hairbows and a diamond collar :D hehe


Noly's Nest.... said...

Actually, it is pretty cute...

Erin said...

well, maybe once you get your house??? (Which I hear might be pretty soon?!?)

Anonymous said...

ahhhh, SO cute!! I don't like these kinds of dogs, they are territorial and mean and nasty to people that come in the house )brad's grandparents always have had these dogs). If i could recommend any small dog it's a yorkshire terrier. so stinkin cute and VERY smart.
go here to see the cutest picture everrrrrr

Anonymous said...

by the way, whose dog is this?

~Bethany said...

It's somebody's dog who I found on google, so who knows! It is a Bichon. It does not shed, is virtually hypo-allergenic, and very good with children :D
I like the Terriers too, but anything that sheds I don't want.

Anonymous said...

the yorkshire terriers don't shed either. ok, this dog is something different than what I thought, but looks exactly like it. can't remember the name still!

Erin said...

I want a Yorkshire pup! They are the CUTEST thing I've ever seen! Maybe one day.....

Joy Sellers said...

your have to change your blog name soon due to Layla's arrival!

~Bethany said...

I know but there's a problem with that because it is the website name and I don't think I can change it. I think I will lose my whole blog if I try. Not sure..

Anonymous said...

you CAN change the name (depending on the name's availability) but it will basically change your web address for your blog, so you'd have to let everyone know the new web address. ??I think??