Sunday, May 24, 2009

Layla's first toenail painting


Erin said...

Little miss priss! How cute! Her little toes are so petite!

Noly's Nest.... said...

Loooove it! After my own heart..

Joy Sellers said...

Her feet look like porcelain doll feet and they dont look do you get her to sit still long enough to do this?

~Bethany said...

She was asleep!! Lord knows that would be impossible to do on a rotisserie chicken

Anonymous said...

rotisserie chicken?!?!?!?!!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

~Bethany said...
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~Bethany said...

that's what mom calls her because she turns and turns and turns :D haha

Joy Sellers said...

she is the 2nd rotiserie chicken. Caden was the first...will there be a #3??

Anonymous said...

hopefully not mine!!!!!!!! hahahahahah j/k
no, really, I want a non-rotisserie, not that they're not fun, but I want that one baby that just wants to be squeezed to death and not mind it. actually, just like noelle's cats...yes, I want a baby just like the cats. except no hair flying off the baby when you touch it. oh, and it will not go potty in a box. it may ocassionally scratch, but by accident. and it will make cute little noises. I think that's it...

Anonymous said...

I keep scrolling down to look at her fat feet! ahha