Friday, January 23, 2009

Meet Dode Evans

Savannah was looking for a new home for Dode. So here is our newest member of the family! She just turned 7 years old (49 in dog years!) Happy Birthday Dode!


Joy Sellers said...

you have a dog!!!???? Isnt this the dog that lived at Helens house? It is trained so will be nice. Why didnt she want to keep her dog? By the way I have finally posted a new blog on my blog...

~Bethany said...

Yes, when Savannah got married she took the dog with her and now she has the baby so she looked for somewhere for the dog to go but we wanted to keep dode in the family so here she is! Abby is in love with her. She's a very good dog, she gets a bath every couple days, she's clean, doesn't shed, lets you know when she needs to go outside, lays around, doesn't bite, is great with kids. Guess I'm the last Sellers to own a pet!

Noly's Nest.... said...

At least a dog is trained and does not do the following:
In the last 7 days my cats have:
Drank out of the toilet, knocked over and broke a lamp, barfed on the floor, continued to claw and ruin my furniture, peed on the coffee table and floor because someone shut the basement door and they couldn't get to the litter box, climbed on the table and broke a mug(always when we are not in the room) and drank the drops of water that collect in my bathtub, and shed their fur all over the house which sticks to the furniture.
Sounds like a great pet, enjoy him. I no longer mind small dogs!

Erin said...

Congrats on being a pet owner! Glad Abby has a little companion. :-)

Joy Sellers said...

I can see Noelle loves her cats

Anonymous said...

YESSSSS< Bethany has joined the Sellers in the quest for all-dog-ownership!! Now we really have to work on Noelle.....give her a few years and they'll own a tiny little teacup yorkie...just like a cat but fun, and it listens, and doesn't pee and poop on the coffee-table or floors, and wouldn't jump on the counters even if it was able to, doesn't do anything without commands (well, most things, but you know what I mean), takes correction well, aims to please its owner and strives to make the OWNER HAPPY!!! Now you tell me how cats are better than that! HAHAHAHA
well, bethany, I'm glad you got Dode, we met her awhile back on your blog. Did helen not want her? and good lord, why does the dog need a bath every couple days????? they usually only need a bath once a month in the winter! it dries their coats out.

~Bethany said...

I guess cuz she stinks :D She has no problems getting lots of baths.

Anonymous said...
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